Part 1 Forbidden City

  1. 2. Alex's favorite subject in school
  2. 4. How many novels did Alex bring with him to China?
  3. 5. What general subject, not directly related to school interests Alex
  4. 8. Alex's dad's job
  5. 10. The author of The Art Of War according to the novel
  6. 11. Mr.Xu speaks Chinese, English and _______
  7. 12. What Alex set out to buy at the end of part 1
  8. 16. What actually was the sea cucumber Mr. Xu was talking about?
  9. 17. What the PLA was called before the liberation
  10. 18. The alphabetic system the Chinese use to help kids pronounce the national language
  1. 1. Mr. Xu's father participated in the _____________
  2. 3. The Chinese national language
  3. 6. Chinese city where Alex and his dad are going
  4. 7. Complete the sentence: Mr.Xu went to Bejing _____
  5. 9. Alex writes a card back home to his ______
  6. 10. Alex's Chinese surname
  7. 13. First name of Alex's dad's work colleague that works in China
  8. 14. A census and residence card mixed together
  9. 15. Mr. Xu's surname
  10. 16. Alex's Dad's colleague says that Mr.Xu is a _____