Part 2. Researching Relationships & Families

  1. 3. A social contract
  2. 4. Reviews research proposals
  3. 7. Focus on the lived experience
  4. 8. Methodology of words
  5. 10. Explains how things are
  6. 12. Ensures research quality
  7. 15. The ___ Report
  8. 16. Requires representative sample
  9. 17. ___ Style citations
  10. 18. A non-empirical method
  11. 21. Combine into something new
  12. 23. The tone of research writing
  13. 24. The ___ method
  1. 1. Requires random groups
  2. 2. A unit of society
  3. 5. No intervention
  4. 6. In-depth analysis of one subject
  5. 8. Methodology of numbers
  6. 9. Explains how things might be
  7. 11. Research on a culture
  8. 13. Protects participants
  9. 14. Includes subjective experience
  10. 19. How sociologists gain knowledge
  11. 20. Frames research in the field
  12. 22. Tool of quantitative analysis