Part of vegetables

  1. 2. menurunkan resiko diabetes.
  2. 5. beans cure breast cancer.
  3. 6. sprouts help to increase endurance.
  4. 8. lowers cholesterol.
  5. 11. can reduce heat.
  6. 13. can maintain eye vision.
  7. 14. get rid of heart toxins.
  8. 15. reduces heart disease damage.
  9. 17. can boost immunity.
  10. 18. can increase hormones.
  1. 1. fights cancer.
  2. 3. lowers blood pressure.
  3. 4. can maintain eye health.
  4. 5. increases fertility and blood stability.
  5. 7. green healthy bones and teeth.
  6. 9. can strengthen the heart.
  7. 10. facilitate breast milk.
  8. 11. choy functions as an antioxidant to prevent cancer.
  9. 12. prevent night blindness.
  10. 16. greens can be an anti-oxidant.