Partial 1 Crossword

  1. 5. Also called The Lost War is the only war that the US lost after year of battle.
  2. 6. The Iraq president that provoques the Persian Gulf War.
  3. 7. The wall that divides East and West Berlin.
  4. 8. The one and the only president of the URSS.
  5. 9. a confrontation between two superpower that faced: Ideologies, economic model, territories and involves many indirect battles in the century XX after the WW2.
  6. 10. The first confrontation of the Cold War that faced 2 parts of a asian country.
  1. 1. refers to patterned or structured relationships between actors on the international level.
  2. 2. Is about the world becoming increasingly interconnected.
  3. 3. Country that Iraq invades in 1990 after the invasion of Iran
  4. 4. US president that began his time in the White House as the re-unification of Germany and the fall of theURSS