Particle Model, Pure Substances and Mixtures

  1. 3. the smallest unit of a pure chemical element (found on the periodic table)
  2. 5. the substance that is “doing” the dissolving
  3. 8. the molecule I drew during our science Google Meet lesson (it was a gorgeous drawing too)
  4. 10. the act of separating sand from water is an example of this
  5. 13. particles are held together by strong _____ forces
  6. 15. mixture of two or more metals
  7. 17. a mixture of two or more physically distinct substances with different properties
  8. 18. mixture of oils and waters, like a salad dressing
  9. 19. anything of mass and that takes up space
  10. 21. ____ energy affect the motion of particles
  11. 23. definite volume, but does NOT have definite shape
  12. 24. the Greek word for the smallest unit of matter
  13. 26. this natural force can assist you in separating mechanical mixtures
  14. 27. a group of atoms chemically bonded together
  15. 29. made up of one type of particle throughout
  1. 1. this mixture contains more than one type of particle, but it looks pure, or the same throughout
  2. 2. a solution with bigger particles has this special name
  3. 4. another term for heterogeneous mixture
  4. 5. definite shape and definite volume
  5. 6. the study of matter and its changes
  6. 7. has the same composition throughout, and the individual parts of the mixture are not easily identifiable
  7. 9. a substance that is to be dissolved
  8. 11. when heat is removed from a substance, its particular motion will _____
  9. 12. can be broken down, but only chemically, not physically
  10. 14. the simplest form of pure substance
  11. 16. the colour of the word ‘mixtures’ in your text readings
  12. 20. the ability of the solvent to dissolve a solute
  13. 22. the measurement of heat energy
  14. 25. the scientific word for empty spaces, where NO matter exists
  15. 28. this state of matter does not have a definite volume nor shape
  16. 30. this is why the word mechanical is used to describe certain mixtures – it’s because you can ___ the different parts that make it up