particle theory

  1. 4. Does not change shape.
  2. 6. A steel often melts at ...
  3. 8. A ice turned into water. What happened to ice.
  4. 11. The ... is very important for change of state.
  5. 13. A temperature which liquid becomes solid
  6. 15. The lowest melting point of solid.
  7. 17. A process name for turning liquid into solid
  8. 18. Another name for gas.
  9. 20. What is other name for boil.
  10. 22. What is the state of matter of snow.
  11. 23. The state of matter that can be compressed.
  12. 24. What matter takes the shape of their container.
  13. 25. Is it possible to evaporate metal. yes/noo
  1. 1. Solid expands when it is ...
  2. 2. How much heat does it take to evaporate liquid rapidly.
  3. 3. What changes of state can turn liquid into gas.
  4. 5. What is the state of matter of milk.
  5. 7. Which metal has the lowest melting point.
  6. 9. Particle ... can be used to explain the changes between the three states of matter.
  7. 10. What kind of movement does solid do.
  8. 11. How many states of matter is there.
  9. 12. The particles in liquid and gas can do.
  10. 14. Turn gas into liquid.
  11. 16. The temperature at which liquid becomes gas.
  12. 19. All matter is made up of ...
  13. 21. How much heat does it take to evaporate alcohol.