
  1. 1. The legal status of a partnership without separate legal entity.
  2. 6. The document that contains the terms and conditions of a partnership.
  3. 8. Amount set aside out of profit to strengthen the financial position of the firm.
  4. 11. A partner with limited rights.
  5. 12. Payment on capital contributions
  6. 15. Method in which only capital account is maintained.
  7. 19. The process of ending or terminating a partnership
  8. 21. Ratio in which partners have agreed to share profits and losses of the firm
  9. 24. The account used to distribute profits or losses among partners.
  10. 26. The account used to adjust profit sharing among partners.
  11. 27. A partnership agreement that is not in writing.
  1. 1. The name under which the business is carried
  2. 2. Profit earned by an enterprise from its operating and non operating activities.
  3. 3. Method in which both capital and current accounts are maintained.
  4. 4. Profit available for distribution among partners after making appropriations.
  5. 5. A partner whose liability is limited to the amount of capital they have invested.
  6. 7. When a partner's capital account has a debit balance.
  7. 9. The persons who have entered into a partnership with one another are individually called
  8. 10. Profit sharing ratio when there is no partnership agreement.
  9. 13. The partner who contributes capital but does not take part in the management of the business.
  10. 14. The remuneration paid to partners for their services.
  11. 15. The maximum number of partners allowed in a partnership as per the Indian Partnership Act,1932
  12. 16. Capital contributed by partners
  13. 17. The minimum number of partners required to form a partnership.
  14. 18. The sum borrowed by a partner from the firm.
  15. 20. The interest on drawings if not mentioned in the partnership deed.
  16. 21. Adjustments for incorrect appropriations of profits in past.
  17. 22. The partner’s initial contribution to the firm.
  18. 23. The interest allowed on partners' capital if not specified in the deed.
  19. 25. A legal agreement between two or more people to manage and operate a business.