Partnership Fundamentals and goodwill

  1. 3. self generated goodl=will is not _______ in the books of account
  2. 5. its the profit earned by an enterprise from its operating and non operating activities
  3. 8. interest on capital is allowed when the firm earns _______ during the year
  4. 11. interest on bank loan is a content of partnership deed
  5. 12. This can override the provisions of Indian partnership act, 1932.
  6. 14. expenses expected to be incurred to earn profits are deducted to determine normal expected profit for valuation of_______
  7. 15. registration of firm under the Partnership act,1932 is _______
  1. 1. Profit available for distribution among partners after allowing remunerations,interest on capitals and drawings etc
  2. 2. goodwill is capitalized value of ________
  3. 4. capital invested in the firms business
  4. 6. goodwill helps in earning _________ than normal profit
  5. 7. goodwill is an __________ asset
  6. 9. Managers commission is a _______ against profit
  7. 10. Current Accounts of the partners should be opened when the capitals are
  8. 13. incase of partnership, teh act of any partner is binding on _______ partners