Parts of a Computer

  1. 2. an input that types letters into the computer
  2. 5. generating and recording audio
  3. 8. the plastic or metal thing that surrounds the main parts of the computer
  4. 9. a input device that moves the curser around the screen
  5. 11. eternal storage space
  6. 13. short term memory
  7. 15. graphics card
  8. 16. components of the computer that puts information into to computer
  1. 1. the highway of the computer (moves information from one location to another)
  2. 3. long term memory
  3. 4. the component that gives energy to the computer
  4. 6. a space where you can insert a CD or a DVD
  5. 7. component that stores all of your digital content
  6. 10. the brain of the computer
  7. 12. components of the computer that display or project information from the computer
  8. 14. the screen of the computer