Parts of a Theatre

  1. 1. long, thin curtains that hide the wings from the audience's view
  2. 5. where actors put on their costumes
  3. 6. the part of the stage the sticks out past the proscenium arch
  4. 9. white curtain hanging at the back of the stage
  5. 11. the offstage areas on either side of the stage
  6. 15. where sound and lights are controlled
  1. 2. where the actors wait when not on stage
  2. 3. a hole in front of the stage where musicians play instruments
  3. 4. where costumes are built
  4. 7. where set pieces and scenery is built
  5. 8. where the audience sits
  6. 10. where the audience waits before the house opens
  7. 12. a space above the audience where lighting instruments are hung
  8. 13. the stage floor
  9. 14. where tickets are sold and picked up