Parts of speech and grammar - MexCanadian

  1. 3. Pronunciation of regular verbs in past, case C
  2. 5. The words my, your, our, his, her, its, are "____" adjectives
  3. 6. Pronunciation of regular verbs in past, case A
  4. 7. Word used to indicate one thing, person, place or idea that is in proximity
  5. 10. Word used to indicate more than one thing, person, place or idea that is in proximity
  6. 11. Expressions of emotion
  7. 13. Words that name things
  8. 14. Pronunciation of regular verbs in past, case B
  9. 15. Words that help adverbs, adjectives and verbs
  10. 16. Words that substitute nouns
  1. 1. Words that describe a person, a thing, and idea or a place
  2. 2. Alberto is a "____" noun
  3. 4. Words that show a relationship between words and a noun
  4. 8. Words that link or unite two equal parts of speech, or equivalent groups of words
  5. 9. gas is a "____" noun
  6. 10. Word used to indicate more than one thing, person, place or idea that is not in proximity
  7. 12. Word used to indicate one thing, person, place or idea that is not in proximity