Parts of Speech Crossword

  1. 1. used to describe (or modify) a noun or a pronoun
  2. 5. nouns that refer to more than one noun; usually ends is -s or -es
  3. 8. nouns that refer to class/type; the first letter is not capitalized unless at the beginning of a sentence
  4. 9. pronouns that do not specifically identify the noun they are referring to
  5. 10. nouns that we cannot see, touch, or detect readily through our senses
  6. 12. the noun or pronoun that a pronoun replaces
  7. 14. person, place, thing, or idea
  8. 15. nouns that are collection or group of things
  9. 18. pronouns that replace possessive nouns
  10. 20. adjectives that call up images, tone, and feelings
  1. 1. a verb that tells what the subject DOES
  2. 2. a word used in place of a noun or another pronoun
  3. 3. nouns we can see, touch, or detect through our senses
  4. 4. a, an, the
  5. 6. a verb that tells what subject is; expresses a state of being
  6. 7. expresses action or a state of being
  7. 11. pronouns that refer to specific nouns; specifies number, gender, case, and POV
  8. 13. adjectives used to indicate specific things (this, that, these, those)
  9. 16. a verb used with a main verb to help express the main verb further
  10. 17. particular nouns; the first letter is ALWAYS capitalized
  11. 19. nouns that refer to one noun