Parts of the Mass

  1. 5. Lord, have mercy. Christ, have mercy. Lord, have mercy.
  2. 7. name of the person who leads the people in in following the music for Mass
  3. 8. Name of the first part of the mass
  4. 9. second major part of the Mass; Liturgy of the __________
  5. 11. third major part of the Mass; Liturgy of the __________
  6. 12. name of the book of the Bible where the Responsorial Psalm comes from
  1. 1. when the priest begins Mass with "The Lord be with you"
  2. 2. name of the prayer that comes after the Kyrie Eleison
  3. 3. the reading where it comes from the letters written by the Apostles to the earliest Christians
  4. 4. number of major parts of the mass
  5. 6. also known as the Confiteor
  6. 10. Testament where the 1st readings usually come from