
  1. 1. This person has a very unique hair style.
  2. 4. What color clothes does Joanna always wear?
  3. 5. What is the name of the dumb girl in the movie?
  4. 6. What is the theme of the party?
  5. 7. Whos B-Day is it?
  6. 8. Who should you have called to RSVP for the party(hint...its not joanna)
  7. 16. What movie is about wizards?
  8. 17. This person at the party always has a bun on her head.
  9. 18. What is for dessert?
  1. 2. What movie is about vampires,werewolves, and a dumb girl?
  2. 3. This person likes to wear dresses.
  3. 6. What singer is Joanna in love with?
  4. 9. How old is the Birthday girl?
  5. 10. Who is joannas Best Friend?
  6. 11. What school do you go to?
  7. 12. This persons name rimes with Lorina.
  8. 13. This person calls herself Mariah Carey.
  9. 14. What is the name of the restaurant?
  10. 15. Who is the super cool bad guy in the Avengers?