PASS 1010CCJ - Juries and Decision Making

  1. 1. it is an ... to publish information about jury deliberations
  2. 6. How many jurors for civil trials?
  3. 9. more likely to result in guilty verdict when the defendant is ...
  4. 10. Less likely to result in guilty verdict when the defendant is ...
  5. 12. Juries are available in ... courts criminal trials
  6. 15. Potential jurors can be ...
  7. 17. Prediction of verdict based on stereotypes of gender, race, class or personality is ...
  8. 18. Juries should be ... of one’s peers from the community
  9. 19. younger people, older people, and unemployed tend to be on ... juries
  10. 21. Most deliberations are ... lengthy
  11. 22. experts are ... at picking biased potential juror
  12. 23. We know more about psychological processes of ... juries than real juries
  1. 2. Which gender is more likely to convict in relation to rape and child abuse?
  2. 3. How many jurors for criminal trials?
  3. 4. the foreperson announces the ...
  4. 5. Only a ... number of criminal cases involve a jury
  5. 7. How many peremptory challenges are the prosecution and defence entitled to in a criminal trial
  6. 8. The first stage of the trial is where eligible jurors are ...
  7. 9. Queensland requires what type of decision
  8. 10. Younger jurors more likely to ...
  9. 11. panel of prospective jurors from which jury is selected
  10. 13. jurors seem to render verdicts based on the ... presented in the case
  11. 14. majority of people who appear in Court plead ..., so a jury is not required
  12. 16. more likely to result in guilty verdict when the defendant has ...
  13. 20. jury .... is usually male, middle-aged, professional