Past participle of irregular verbs (build - forgive)

  1. 3. Have you __________ enough water today? It helps to reduce your appetite and boost your metabolism. (DRINK)
  2. 5. In this essay I have _________ with the topic of health-care systems. (DEAL)
  3. 6. 'Why have you ________ in the garden with a shovel?' ' I like gardening.' (DIG)
  4. 7. 'Who has _________ my porridge and broken my chair?', said Baby Bear. (EAT)
  5. 10. My mother has __________ her PIN several times, but I can remind her of it. (FORGET)
  6. 12. Some rain has __________ these days. (FALL)
  7. 14. My nephew has __________ it difficult to concentrate because he's hyperactive. (FIND)
  8. 15. 'I'm really sorry'. 'It's okay, you're __________.' (FORGIVE)
  9. 16. Tramway tracks have been _______ in Jaén, but citizens use them to park their cars. (BUILD)
  1. 1. My mother asked if I had _________ the cat. (FED)
  2. 2. The toast has ________ and the coffee has got cold! (BURN)
  3. 4. Spain has ________ 640,000 faulty coronavirus tests from China. The Asian country guarantees that has prepared new ones. (BUY)
  4. 5. I've never __________ a lorry. (DRIVE)
  5. 6. Mahatma Gandhi, Martin Luther King and Nelson Mandela are three heroes who have dreamt of equality and peace. (DREAM)
  6. 8. I bet you've ________ graphs for your Maths classes. (DRAW)
  7. 9. Have you ________ your homework yet? (DO)
  8. 11. I've __________ a little lonely and stressed these days. (FEEL)
  9. 12. The Prime Minister Pedro Sánchez has _________ to other cities on a private jet. (FLY)
  10. 13. Many people have __________ their fears by gradually exposing themselves to them. (FIGHT)
  11. 16. Call the plumber! A pipe has ________. (BURST)