Past simple irregular verbs

  1. 3. I didn't ... to the cinema yesterday
  2. 4. we ... up very early this morning to go to school
  3. 7. You .... lots of emails two days ago
  4. 8. I ... breakfast this morning for my family
  5. 9. Luckily I ... my pen. Probably I lost it in the computer lab.
  6. 11. past simple verb "to go"
  7. 12. What kind of movie ... you like whatching when you were a child?
  8. 13. you ... my sister last year for the first time
  1. 1. My dad ... a new car. It was very expensive!
  2. 2. My brother ... me when I was 7. It was painful!
  3. 5. Our teacher ... us homework last summer.
  4. 6. What time did the train leave? It ... 3 minutes ago!
  5. 7. Who ... the competition last years?
  6. 10. My classmates ... mind doing their homework