Past Tense Verbs

  1. 3. ______your bootie!
  2. 5. _______you please hand in your paper?
  3. 6. Please do not________with strangers.
  4. 7. Please don't________with your sister!
  5. 9. ________both ways before crossing the street.
  6. 10. Ayane_______good questions.
  7. 12. I_______you were having school lunch.
  8. 15. She________so beautiful in her new dress.
  9. 16. Please ________speak up so I can hear you.
  10. 18. ________you absent on Tuesday?
  1. 1. Did you______your mother if you could stay?
  2. 2. Can you please ________me how to juggle?
  3. 4. The desks_______during the earthquake.
  4. 5. _____you please call me when you get home safely?
  5. 8. Ms. Jana has _______first grade for six years.
  6. 11. Judy_____with her brother over a toy.
  7. 12. Ms. Jana____ with her class about kindness.
  8. 13. ________you are very pretty.
  9. 14. He_____in a loud voice so I could hear him.
  10. 17. ______you going to SASA after school today?