Past Tense Verbs

  1. 2. Personal pronoun used for woman
  2. 3. Second personal pronoun
  3. 5. Past tense of verb love
  4. 6. Present tense of verb to be for the first personal pronoun
  5. 7. Verbs that change when they are in past tense
  6. 9. Past tense of verb to be
  7. 10. Past tense of verb live
  1. 1. Verbs that mantains the original word in past tense
  2. 4. Third personal pronoun for a man
  3. 6. Present tense of verb to be for several personal pronouns
  4. 7. Present tense of verb to be for third person
  5. 8. Past of the verb like
  6. 11. Personal pronoun used for things and animals
  7. 12. Ending of the regular verbs