Pathology CPD

  1. 4. Vitamin produced in the skin by sunlight. (7,1)
  2. 7. The blood type known as 'universal recipient'. (2,8)
  3. 9. Most common vein used for venepuncture (6,7)
  4. 11. White cell with the highest reference range.(11)
  5. 13. Site within path links we send macroprolactins.(6)
  6. 14. Medication monitored by an INR.(8)
  1. 1. The blood type known as 'universal donor'.(1,8)
  2. 2. Cells responsible for forming clots.(9)
  3. 3. Ammonia is tested from this colour sample tube. (6)
  4. 5. Ion Selective _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _.(9)
  5. 6. High levels can be diagnostic for pancreatitis.(7)
  6. 8. Test to show how well a persons diabetes is controlled.(5)
  7. 10. Tumour marker used to monitor breast cancer.(5)
  8. 12. Troponin T is a marker for this major organ. (5)