Pathology: Endocrine Pathologies

  1. 1. Low blood sugar
  2. 3. Gland that controls the body's biorhythms or the body's 24-hour cycle
  3. 5. This disease is the result of excessive amounts of cortisol in the blood caused either by hyperpituitarism or the long term use of corticosteroids
  4. 6. Acronym for hormone that stimulates the thyroid to synthesize and secrete hormones
  5. 9. Deficiency of this nutrient may lead to a goiter
  6. 11. Hormone that decreases urine production and raises blood pressure
  7. 12. Pancreatic cells that produce insulin when needed
  8. 14. Hormone that helps glucose move into body cells when needed
  9. 15. an enlargement of the thyroid gland
  10. 18. This disease is characterized by hyperactivity of the thyroid gland with a resultant goiter
  11. 20. Hormone that increases blood calcium levels
  12. 22. This disease is the result of chronic adrenal insufficiency caused by reduced production of cortisol
  13. 23. Glands that produce parathyroid hormone
  14. 25. Hormone that is released during times of stress and is produced by the adrenal cortex
  1. 2. Hormone that increases blood glucose levels
  2. 4. This area of the pituitary produces growth hormone
  3. 7. This form of diabetes is characterized by chronic elevated blood glucose levels and disturbances in protein, fat, and carbohydrate metabolism
  4. 8. Gland that produces antidiuretic hormone
  5. 10. Malignancy of the thyroid
  6. 13. a form of hyperpituitarism, is the result of overproduction of growth hormone during adult years, after the onset of puberty
  7. 16. This disease is characterized by an underactive thyroid, leading to thyroid hormone insufficiency, developing slowly over months or years
  8. 17. Disease that causes eyes to bulge
  9. 19. a form of hyperpituitarism that is the overproduction of growth hormone during childhood years, before the onset of puberty
  10. 21. underdevelopment of the lower body and is a form of hypopituitarism
  11. 24. This form of diabetes is an insufficiency of antidiuretic hormone and does not involve the pancreas