- 3. Event type that results in death, permanent or severe harm.
- 4. An act of omission or commission exposing patients to harm.
- 6. Environmental evaluation tool for acute mental health units
- 8. Type of cognitive aid used in healthcare settings
- 9. Patient safety reporting system in VHA
- 10. Safety activity performed prior to surgery
- 13. Communicate urgent notices that require immediate action
- 15. According to HRO, what should we be preoccupied with?
- 16. Process for finding the why, what, how of an adverse event
- 20. Activity to stop the spread of germs
- 22. How "old" will NCPS be in 2024?
- 24. Our customers at VHA
- 26. Document outlining steps and actions needed to improve care/avoid adverse event.
- 28. Individual responsible for leading patient safety at facilities.
- 1. Human ___ is the study of the interaction of humans and their environment
- 2. A narrowly avoided adverse event.
- 5. Program Office supporting patient safety in VHA
- 7. A cognitive aid to assist managers and staff conduct an objective assessment of a patient safety program.
- 8. Acronym for clinical team training
- 11. Who is responsible for patient safety?
- 12. VHA external accreditation body
- 13. Harm from medical care rather than an underlying disease
- 14. One of several patient identifiers that may be used to ensure correct identification
- 15. Top reported RCA event type
- 17. The "R" in HRO
- 18. Principle for speaking up and using the 3Ws
- 19. ______ and Missing Patients
- 21. Type of proactive risk assessment
- 23. Number of principles of a HRO
- 25. Individual responsible for leading patient safety at the VISN
- 27. Closed ___ Communication