
  1. 5. The new name given to Jacob after a wrestling match.
  2. 7. She gave Jacob most of his sons. Her sister only gave him one.
  3. 9. Jacob's youngest son with the nice coat.
  4. 11. This woman helped Jacob escape
  5. 13. This disaster that brought Jacob's sons to Egypt
  6. 15. This was the leader of Egypt
  7. 16. These were the people Joseph was sold to.
  8. 18. This is what Joseph sent to his brother so he wouldn't kill him.
  9. 19. The land of Jacob and his sons
  1. 1. This is the man who bought Joseph (and who threw him in jail.
  2. 2. Joseph's second dream was about these 11 things and the moon and sun.
  3. 3. This man had a dream of birds eating bread
  4. 4. What word means "house of God" - Gen 28: 10-18
  5. 6. Joseph's first dream was about ______ of grain.
  6. 8. This is Joseph's older (and hairier) brother.
  7. 10. Jacob's oldest son who convinced his brothers not to kill their brother.
  8. 12. Jacob tries to buy her as his wife but gets tricked
  9. 14. He was Jacob's uncle and father in law.
  10. 16. This man was Abraham's son and Jacob's dad.
  11. 17. The number of son's Jacob had