Patricia's CSE word search

  1. 1. Design is based upon explicit understanding of users, tasks,and environments; is driven and refined by user-centered evaluation; and addresses the whole user experience
  2. 3. a section of software code or algorithm in software programming
  3. 5. any information or data that is sent to a computer for processing
  4. 6. a data type used in programming, that is used to represent texts rather then numbers
  5. 8. the process of removing elements of a code or program that aren't relevant or that distract from more important elements
  6. 9. methods of broadcasting or communicating this information
  7. 11. a value that can change, depending on conditions or on information passed to the program
  1. 2. handles the design and construction of computer systems and components
  2. 4. an action of occurrence recognized by software often originating asynchronously from the existential environment that may be handled by the software
  3. 6. a set of instructions data or programs used to operate computers and excite specific task
  4. 7. the sequence of operations preforming by hardware or software
  5. 10. the process of finding or fixing errors or bugs in the source code of any software