- 1. St. Ursula of these little homeless bastards
- 5. Saints Jerome, Lawrence, and Catherine of Alexandria
- 7. Saints Roch and Anthony the Abbot of these ditch diggers
- 10. St. Amand of old fashioned hoteliers
- 12. St. George of these knights
- 14. St. Fiacre of box makers and the butt-sore
- 16. Saints Bernardine of Feltre and Nicholas of Myra
- 17. St. Wilgefortis of these freakish ladies
- 18. Saints Christopher, Clement, Nicholas of Tolentine, and Brendan the Navigator
- 21. St. Severus of Avranches for makers but not combers or weavers
- 22. St. Isidore the Farmer of this type of laborer
- 23. St. Dominic of these star gazers
- 24. St. Gummarus of this kind of typical marriage
- 26. St. Clotilde of these usual children
- 29. St. Erasmus of Formiae for climbing craftsmen
- 31. St. Crispin - not peaches but shoes
- 33. St. Columbanus of these types of cyclists
- 36. St. Cajetan of these addicts
- 38. St. Magnus against moths and butterflies
- 40. St. Scholastica of this order of nuns
- 43. St. Maturinus of mending pipes
- 45. St. Honorius of Amiens for bakers of this sacred bread
- 46. St. Anastasia of Sirmium for these ousters of demons
- 48. St. Blaise of these public announcers
- 49. St. Teresa of Ávila for these strategic players
- 50. St. Julian of clowns and similar individuals
- 53. St. Isidore of Seville for programmers and users
- 54. St. Dymphna of these modern-day healers
- 56. St. Wolfgang of Regensburg for workers of this material
- 57. St. Urban of Langres of these types of dressers and growers
- 58. St. John the Almoner of these knights
- 59. St. Joseph of Cupertino for these kinds of students
- 60. St. John of Damascus for makers of this approved image
- 64. St. Matthew of these bean counters
- 66. St. Stephen of these stonemasons
- 67. St. Bernard of Menthon for snow and water recreationists
- 68. St. Bona of Pisa for these aerial attendants
- 70. St. René Goupil of these types of gaseous nurses
- 2. St. Bernardino of Public Relations
- 3. St. Zita of these custodians of cleanliness
- 4. St. Eligius of these coin collectors
- 6. Saints Antipas, Apollonia, and Foillan
- 8. St. Medard of these weather reporters
- 9. St. Ambrose of Milan for makers of these votive articles
- 11. Saints Arnulph, Leodegar, Winnoc, and Christina the Astonishing
- 13. St. Genesius of these types of victims
- 15. St. Anthony of Padua for women who seek this
- 19. St. Kateri, save our planet
- 20. Saints Dorothea of Caesarea, Fiacre, Honorius of Amiens, and Thérèse of Lisieux
- 25. St. Joseph of Arimathea for these directors
- 27. St. Cyprian of this type of the arts
- 28. St. Vincent de Paul of these freely enlisted persons
- 30. Saints Dunstan and Quentin of these security mechanics
- 32. St. Amand for saviors of the thirsty
- 34. St. Martha of these nutritional experts
- 35. St. Nicholas of Myra to these who repent
- 37. St. Anthony of Padua for things that are hard to find
- 39. St. Arnold of Old Milwaukee
- 41. St. Isidore of the common web
- 42. St. Cassian of Imola for this kind of writer
- 44. St. Honorius of Amiens - ice cream, candy, sweets
- 47. Saints Peter, Andrew, Magnus of Avignon, and Jonah
- 48. St. Gabriel of Our Lady of Sorrows
- 51. Saints Gottschalk and Jerome of these linguistic interpreters
- 52. Saints Lawrence, Philip Neri, Vitus, Carlin, and Pryor
- 55. St. Bibiana of excessive drinking
- 61. St. Piran of miners of this metal
- 62. St. Drogo of these average people
- 63. Saints Pantaleon and Raymond Nonnatus of these antediluvian obstetricians
- 65. St. Adrian of Nicodemia of these dealers
- 69. St. Honorius of Amiens for these culinary chefs