Paul Apostle Of Christ

  1. 2. Chief silversmith of Ephesus
  2. 4. Where did Paul die
  3. 9. How many miles did Paul travel
  4. 11. Who blamed those that follow Jesus Christ
  5. 12. What year did it take place
  6. 15. Paul greets a beloved “sister” called -----
  7. 16. what fell from Paul's eyes when he was healed
  8. 19. Where did Paul convert
  9. 22. Paul rented a ----- to stay in Rome
  10. 23. the apostle Paul argued with about Circumcision
  11. 24. longest epistle
  12. 25. We walk by ----- not by sight
  13. 27. Who documented Paul's life
  14. 28. Known as … to the Roman World
  1. 1. If any man be in Christ, he is a new ----
  2. 3. How did Paul die
  3. 4. Where did it take place
  4. 5. Where was Paul held
  5. 6. Where was Paul shipwrecked
  6. 7. who healed Paul of his blindness
  7. 8. Paul's Nationality
  8. 10. location where disciples spoke in tongue
  9. 13. How many years did Paul travel for
  10. 14. The place of worship that the Jews said Paul had defiled
  11. 17. What did Paul sacrifice
  12. 18. Paul's position in the Jewish community
  13. 20. gives Paul power to do all things
  14. 21. The ----- of Christ constraineth me
  15. 26. our inward man is ------ day by day
  16. 27. Who sold purple goods