Pauline letters

  1. 4. which letter of John was not written in the form of a letter
  2. 6. We believe in one holy _____ and apostolic church
  3. 8. A group of _____ were the first people to whom Paul preached at Philippi.
  4. 9. Paul tried to unite the _______.
  5. 11. Paul sent Timothy to the churches in Macedonia,____ Philippi Corinth to remind people of Paul's teachings
  6. 13. with obedience to ____,they were to extend love and support to each other
  7. 14. a different diversity of economic,______and religious backgrounds existed there.
  8. 15. how many letters did Paul send to Timothy
  9. 16. the church is ______ because she is built on the foundation of the apostles
  10. 17. Paul traced God's gift of salvation from Adam to ________.
  11. 18. the first letter of Peter emphasizes ________
  1. 1. how many Pauline letter are written
  2. 2. this word is in the world and reflects the values of the world especially displaying hatred for those who follow Christ
  3. 3. the stations of the cross have traditionally been made out of wood, stone or ______.
  4. 5. one of the last books of the New Testament to be written
  5. 7. Colossae was in ______
  6. 10. he warned his audience not to do the things that seperate people,but to adopt the attitudes of Jesus: humility, meekness, and _______.
  7. 12. Paul emphasized the importance of _______ ________ rooted in ones faith in God.
  8. 17. the person who wrote the second letter of Peter probably used the letter of ____