  1. 6. talking freely to the therapist
  2. 8. Cognitive Behavior Theory
  3. 10. classic Conditioning
  4. 11. redirecting feelings about certain people in one’s life unto the therapist
  5. 14. counseling strictly adhering to biblical principles by Jay Adams
  6. 15. Client centered theory
  1. 1. believes that behaviors are learned & unlearned
  2. 2. Operant Conditioning
  3. 3. theory that holds to the idea of unconscious forces that drives behavior and actions.
  4. 4. theory and approach that aim for a client to gain awareness of what they are experiencing.
  5. 5. exploring dreams for important information about the unconscious
  6. 7. ______therapy aims to alter one's sexual orientation
  7. 9. S.___, author of psychoanalytic theory
  8. 12. Theory theory believes that people’s thinking can change feelings and beh
  9. 13. Focuses more on client’s Experience by Fritz & Laura Perls