PCCE Holiday

  1. 3. Irrigation Maestro; Tree doctor; Grandfather; Smartscape original
  2. 5. has owned owned restaurants, black diamond skier
  3. 8. Worked at Taco Bell & ASARCO mine, was a champion shot putter and has torn all of their ACLs
  4. 9. has twins!
  5. 10. Is double jointed in their thumbs
  6. 13. Had a starring role in a 1985 commercial for Six Flags theme park
  7. 14. Has an alias "Buddy", grew up on a ranch
  8. 15. was born in Chile
  9. 16. As a kid, twirled a baton in all their hometown's local parades
  10. 17. used to compete in local bodybuilding competitions
  11. 21. Owns and can plays a fiddle amazingly
  12. 22. Landscape Architect; Instructor to the "Pros;" Fish lover
  13. 24. Former resident of Karsten; Irrigation Expert; Dog and Cat person
  14. 25. Is the newest EFNEP member
  15. 27. Great singer; Nanny; Multimedia outreach star
  16. 30. has worked on public health relief efforts internationally
  17. 31. Bloodhound dad; MG wrangler; wedding officiant
  18. 33. shook Al Gore's hand and refused to wash it afterward
  19. 34. Loves unique earrings
  1. 1. Has been rammed by a charging goat THREE times (all different goats)
  2. 2. Had the nickname of "Napkin", met her future husband swing pick axes while doing trail work
  3. 4. Was a priest
  4. 5. hiked the jungles of the Golden Triangle area of Thailand, staying in hidden villages & camping alongside nomadic communities in the Himalayas
  5. 6. Mary Tyler Moore look a like and amazing teacher of manners
  6. 7. A good "Fellow;" Speaks Amharic and Levantine Arabic
  7. 8. PCCE's "one woman" extension office. 2020 Heart of Extension Winner!; Farmer;loves fairies and pigs
  8. 11. has had artwork featured at concerts
  9. 12. Has worked on a cruise ship, does hair and eyelashes
  10. 13. world's best speller, secretly loves Lucky Charms, owned a flower shop
  11. 14. can teach you to ballroom dance
  12. 18. Cat named Yogi; Social butterfly; the Marie Kondo of Smartscape
  13. 19. grew up in Oak Ridge Tennessee - the atomic city
  14. 20. As a teen, Dad forced them to decide between 2 boyfriends
  15. 23. Grew up in Salt Lake City, blended a spatula during a food demo
  16. 24. is a massage therapist
  17. 26. Has actually slipped on a banana peel, plays many instruments
  18. 28. Office decorator; Bike Commuter, Expo marshal
  19. 29. Newest MG recruit; Hails from Yuma; has two sweet puppers
  20. 31. got engaged on Thanksgiving day
  21. 32. Amazing artist, lifeguard, and broke their nose running up bleachers