
  1. 3. When a full time job is split between 2 or more people (2 word answer)
  2. 5. Things you are trusted to do and could include being in charge of people
  3. 9. Person... - A document which shows the ideal candidate for a job
  4. 10. Document to be completed by people trying to gain a job (2 word answer)
  5. 11. Job... - A document which shows the tasks and duties involved in the job
  6. 12. Things a person is good at and can develop such as typing, numeracy, reading etc
  1. 1. These working practices are not rigid
  2. 2. These may be essential to gain a job such as Highers or a University Degree
  3. 4. A position that a business needs to fill (2 word answer)
  4. 6. When you are asked questions face-to-face by a manager to see if you are suitable for the job
  5. 7. These are like personality traits such as friendly, outgoing, perseverance etc
  6. 8. This is when employees use technology to do the job from where they live (2 word answer)