People and Government

  1. 4. necessitated the reconstitution of legal govt. in all the states
  2. 5. Profoundly shaped by great disputes btw Stuart Monarchs and opponents
  3. 7. Regarded their legislative assemblies as miniatures of mother Parliament
  4. 8. Person who wrote this article
  5. 10. Govts. that provided most visible examples of what republicanism meant in practice
  1. 1. Made possible by liberal-minded way colonists believed eruption of civil war had reduced them to a state of nature
  2. 2. Adoption of written constitutions was result of this
  3. 3. Independence gave rise to experiment in this
  4. 6. Structure of these politics gave 17th century arguments a continuing vitality
  5. 9. Imperial controversy began with this Act of 1765