People around you

  1. 1. Your aunt and uncles child.
  2. 2. The teacher that is in charge.
  3. 5. the people that you are related to by descent or marriage.
  4. 6. Mother or Father.
  5. 7. Your husbands mother.
  6. 10. Not your girlfriend anymore.
  7. 12. Someone that you don't know.
  8. 13. If your mother and father separate and your mother remarries.
  1. 1. Someone you work with.
  2. 3. Someone that you know just a little.
  3. 4. Your brother or sisters son.
  4. 8. The person that you spend most of your time with and have the most fun with.
  5. 9. The person beside you.
  6. 11. The person you live beside.
  7. 14. Someone that you live with.