
  1. 4. Last; Prussian drill instructor
  2. 7. Last; First President of the United States, Federalist
  3. 8. Last; Defeated British General
  4. 9. Full; Composed the Star Spangled Banner
  5. 11. Full; Second President of the United States, Federalist
  6. 12. Full; Warned of British assault
  7. 14. Last; Frenchman who joined Revolution on side of Washington
  8. 15. Last; Federalist, led the Treasury
  1. 1. Last; General during War of 1812, later President
  2. 2. Full; Traitor
  3. 3. First; King of Great Britain
  4. 5. Last; "Give me liberty, or give me death!"
  5. 6. Full; Spy
  6. 7. Last; leader of the Continental Army
  7. 10. Full; wrote Common Sense
  8. 13. Last; wrote Declaration of Independence