  1. 2. when you lose your pet turtle, you are ____
  2. 3. people who eat a lot is ___
  3. 5. a baby is very___
  4. 7. Edison is very___
  5. 9. when you win a game, you are ___
  6. 11. someone who lived a long time.
  7. 12. to get number 1 in class, you have to be ____
  8. 13. someone who never laughs
  9. 15. yao ming is very___
  1. 1. someone who do nothing
  2. 3. someone who makes people laugh
  3. 4. a boy who lose in a fight with girls is ____
  4. 6. boys love ____ girls
  5. 7. someone who can pick up a car is ___
  6. 8. people who don't eat at all is ___
  7. 10. when you want to hit someone, you are____
  8. 13. someone who always look up.
  9. 14. try to be ___ when there is a fire.