- 2. To prove more powerful
- 7. Sadness felt for no reason
- 11. Information used to promote a point of view
- 13. Constant annoyace toward someone
- 14. Pulled a sour face
- 15. Nook or cranny
- 16. Refuses accusations
- 17. To shy away from something
- 19. Running out of breath
- 21. To take over
- 22. Synonym for backstabbed
- 23. Weak, powerless or defenceless
- 24. Territory
- 25. To linger
- 1. A disatrous state
- 3. Hanging around
- 4. Conceal or hide
- 5. Claims on another person
- 6. To speak to someone privately
- 8. Repeated things
- 9. Undestand in your own way
- 10. Nervous or anxious
- 12. What I am about to do to this crossword
- 18. Upset by someones words or actions
- 20. To go through