Percy Jackson

  1. 2. To prove more powerful
  2. 7. Sadness felt for no reason
  3. 11. Information used to promote a point of view
  4. 13. Constant annoyace toward someone
  5. 14. Pulled a sour face
  6. 15. Nook or cranny
  7. 16. Refuses accusations
  8. 17. To shy away from something
  9. 19. Running out of breath
  10. 21. To take over
  11. 22. Synonym for backstabbed
  12. 23. Weak, powerless or defenceless
  13. 24. Territory
  14. 25. To linger
  1. 1. A disatrous state
  2. 3. Hanging around
  3. 4. Conceal or hide
  4. 5. Claims on another person
  5. 6. To speak to someone privately
  6. 8. Repeated things
  7. 9. Undestand in your own way
  8. 10. Nervous or anxious
  9. 12. What I am about to do to this crossword
  10. 18. Upset by someones words or actions
  11. 20. To go through