- 2. God of the sea and Percy’s dad
- 4. A giant three headed dog that guards the underworld and is the son of Echidna
- 7. A camp for half bloods
- 9. The daughter of Athena and Percy’s friend
- 10. The god of war
- 13. The Goddess of wisdom
- 14. The place people go to after they die
- 15. A Gorgon that turns people into stone
- 16. The ruler of the underworld
- 1. The weapon and power of Zeus
- 3. The main character of the book
- 5. Percy’s stepdad
- 6. The Goddess of love
- 8. A person that transfers deceased peoples souls to the underworld
- 11. The God of the sky and the king of Gods
- 12. Percy’s half goat friend