Percy Jackson and the Battle of the Labyrinth

  1. 3. was a daughter of Aphrodite and is the girlfriend of Charles Beckendorf
  2. 4. is a saytr and finds Pan the god of the wild dying
  3. 9. the wife of Zeus
  4. 11. the god of the wild that dies and gives part of the wild to Grover
  5. 13. Nico’s sister which died and Nico blames her death on Percy when he said he would keep her safe
  6. 15. daughter of ares and is the girlfriend of Chris Rodriguez in the end of the labyrinth
  7. 16. his body is taken over by Kronos and he begins to give hints of struggling against him
  8. 18. is super smart and is good at making plans and keeping Percy alive
  9. 19. was the king of Crete and every seven years he sent seven young boys and seven young girls into the labyrinth to get killed by the Minotaur
  10. 20. is the main character of the series and takes risks often
  11. 21. the god of wine but has been sentenced and bound to camp half blood to never drink wine again
  1. 1. was a Greek demigod and a son of Apollo and was later killed in the battle of manhattan
  2. 2. the mother of Percy
  3. 5. loves to paint and later becomes the oracle of Delphi
  4. 6. half brother of Percy and has one eye
  5. 7. a tree nymph and is the girlfriend of Grover
  6. 8. later becomes married to Sallyjackson and works at a school
  7. 10. immortality bound to an island by the gods for fighting on her dads side (Kronos) in the first war
  8. 11. the father of Percy and Tyson
  9. 12. son of hades and feels like he does not belong anywhere and sometimes disappears
  10. 14. Was the son of Daedalus but even with Daedalus’s warnings he got two excited and flew two close to the sun plummeting in the ocean
  11. 17. pushed his nephew off of a cliff and is the creator of the labyrinth