Percy Jackson ch 13

  1. 1. What did Percy say right before he jumped?
  2. 3. Annabeth was 7 when she left home to go where?
  3. 4. What kind of dog did the big lady have with her?
  4. 8. The dog’s tag said “If found please call” who?
  5. 10. The dog was not a chihuahua but a what?
  6. 11. The name of the lady was?
  7. 12. What did Percy see out the window of the train?
  1. 2. What does Annabeth want to be when she gets older?
  2. 5. What did Grover say “always smells of monsters”?
  3. 6. What did Percy notice about the lady when she smiled?
  4. 7. What was Annabeth placed in when sent to her mortal father?
  5. 9. What did Athena and Poseidon work together to make?