Percy Jackson: The Lightning Thief

  1. 3. What is the name of the girl that goes on the mission with Percy and Grover?
  2. 5. What object is missing?
  3. 8. Activities director in camp
  4. 9. What disintegrates Percy's mother?
  5. 11. Annabeth's mother
  6. 12. What is the name of the camp?
  7. 14. Who is the owner of the missing object?
  8. 15. Percy's stepdad
  9. 16. Percy's father
  1. 1. What can Percy control?
  2. 2. The main character
  3. 4. What animal does Grover find in the beginning of the mission?
  4. 5. What is the name of the resort and casino Percy, Annabeth and Grover got stuck for days?
  5. 6. What tries to eat Percy, Annabeth and Grover in Underworld?
  6. 7. Percy's best friend
  7. 10. Who has Percy's mother?
  8. 13. What is the name of Ares's daughter?