- 2. Seriously thoughtful, depressed in spirits
- 4. Something made up or existing only in the mind
- 6. Resistant to infection
- 7. To make disappear as in a feeling or belief
- 10. Cautiously or carefully in a way that shows a lack of trust
- 12. To break or decompose into small parts
- 14. Expressing anger or annoyance at something unjust, unworthy, or mean
- 15. Not showing proper respect
- 1. Inner feeling or voice that makes you aware of your actions as either right or wrong
- 3. Extremely unpleasant or offensive
- 5. Absolutely necessary or important
- 8. A suggested plan of action
- 9. Gloomy or bad tempered
- 11. Pretend to be affected by
- 13. Take the place of someone in a position of power