Percy Jackson Vocabulary

  1. 2. Seriously thoughtful, depressed in spirits
  2. 4. Something made up or existing only in the mind
  3. 6. Resistant to infection
  4. 7. To make disappear as in a feeling or belief
  5. 10. Cautiously or carefully in a way that shows a lack of trust
  6. 12. To break or decompose into small parts
  7. 14. Expressing anger or annoyance at something unjust, unworthy, or mean
  8. 15. Not showing proper respect
  1. 1. Inner feeling or voice that makes you aware of your actions as either right or wrong
  2. 3. Extremely unpleasant or offensive
  3. 5. Absolutely necessary or important
  4. 8. A suggested plan of action
  5. 9. Gloomy or bad tempered
  6. 11. Pretend to be affected by
  7. 13. Take the place of someone in a position of power