- 1. Sambil menyelam ______ air.
- 4. Susu dibalas _____.
- 5. Practice Makes ________.
- 10. Hangat-hangat tahi ______.
- 12. Old is _____.
- 15. Jatuh ditimpa _______.
- 16. Hope for the best, but _______ for the worst.
- 17. An ______ A Day Keeps The Doctor Away
- 18. Ada udang disebalik ______.
- 2. Better Late Than _______.
- 3. Kacang lupakan _______.
- 6. Easy come, ______ go.
- 7. Keep your friends close and your enemies ______.
- 8. Actions speak _______ than words.
- 9. Habis madu, ______ dibuang.
- 11. Ajak-ajak ________.
- 13. Kill two birds with _____ stone.
- 14. Blood is thicker than ______.
- 17. Bagai kucing hilang ________.