Periodontal Anatomy

  1. 1. The boundary where the epithelial and connective tissue meet.
  2. 6. A type of epithelium that is comprised of flat cells arranged in several layers.
  3. 8. Type of cementum that covers the cervical 2/3 of the root is devoid of cells and forms before teeth are in occlusion.
  4. 14. Epithelium that is partially keratinized
  5. 15. A thin layer of hard mineralized connective tissue that covers the surface of the root.
  6. 18. Nerve supply
  7. 23. A group of interconnected cells that perform a similar function within an organism.
  8. 24. A clinically visible boundary where the pink attached gingiva meets the red shiny alveolar mucosa
  9. 25. A valley-like depression in the portion of the interdental gingiva that lies directly apical to the contact area of two adjacent teeth and connects the facial and lingual papillae.
  10. 27. A tough fibrous structural protein that occurs in the outer layer of the skin and the oral epithelium.
  11. 29. The second branch of the trigeminal nerve.
  12. 30. The bone that surrounds the roots of the teeth and forms the bony sockets that support and protect the roots of the teeth
  13. 34. Cellular structures that mechanically attach a cell and its cytoskeleton to its neighboring cells or to the basal lamina.
  14. 36. What is the primary function of root cementum?
  15. 38. The portion of the gingiva that fills the interdental embrasure between two adjacent teeth apical to the contact area.
  16. 44. Epithelium that faces the tooth surface without being in contact with the tooth surface.
  17. 45. Function of the PDL in that it suspends and maintains the tooth in its socket.
  18. 48. CN V2 provides what type of innervation.
  19. 49. The tissue that covers the cervical portions of the teeth and the alveolar processes of the jaws
  20. 51. The process by which cells on the surface of the skin become stronger and waterproof.
  21. 52. A thin mat of extracellular matrix secreted by the epithelial cells that supports the epithelium.
  22. 54. Epithelium that faces the oral cavity
  23. 55. A specialized cell junction that connects the epithelial cells to the basal lamina.
  24. 58. A thin layer of tissue visible with a light microscope beneath the epithelium. It is formed by the basal lamina and the reticular lamina.
  25. 59. Gingiva continuous with the free gingiva and is part of the gingiva that is tightly bound to the underlying cementum on the cervical third of the root and to the periosteum of the alveolar bone.
  26. 61. Function of the PDL in that it builds and maintains cementum and the alveolar bone of the tooth socket.
  27. 64. A mesh-like material that surrounds the cells and holds them together while providing a framework within which cells can migrate and interact with one another.
  28. 65. Where does CN V3 exit the skull through?
  29. 66. The tissue of the free gingiva meets the tooth in a thin rounded edge
  30. 67. The lattice-like inner layer of the bone that houses marrow which produces new blood cells and provides structural stability while allowing for the necessary flexibility to absorb physical shock/stress placed on the body.
  31. 68. The combination of the junctional epithelium and the gingival fibers that act to provide structural support to the gingival tissue.
  32. 69. The dimpled appearance similar to an orange peel that may be visible on the surface of the attached gingiva.
  33. 70. Fluid that seeps from the underlying connective tissue into the sulcular space and is also known as gingival sulcular fluid
  34. 71. Function of the PDL in that it can remodel the alveolar bone in response to pressure.
  35. 72. Type of cementum that covers the apical 1/3 of the root and contains cementocytes.
  36. 73. Also known as the alveolar bone and is the bone of the upper or lower jaw that surrounds and supports the roots of the teeth.
  37. 74. The fibers that surround the root of the tooth and attach to the bone of the socket on one side and to the cementum of the root on the other side.
  38. 75. A shallow linear depression that separates the free and attached gingiva
  1. 2. Tissue that fills the space between the tissues and organs in the body. It supports and binds other tissues. It consists of cells separated by abundant extracellular substance.
  2. 3. Nerve that supplies the periodontium
  3. 4. Finger-like extensions of connective tissue that project up and interlock with epithelium.
  4. 5. abbreviation that explains the 3 possible arrangements of enamel and cementum.
  5. 7. A specialized cell junction that connects 2 neighboring epithelial cells and their cytoskeletons together.
  6. 9. To join together
  7. 10. Deep extensions of the epithelium that reach down into the connective tissue and are also known as epithelial ridges.
  8. 11. A layer of connective soft tissue covering the outer surface of bone that consists of an outer layer of collagenous tissue and an inner layer of fine elastic fibers
  9. 12. Excess cementum deposit seen on the apical third of a tooth root.
  10. 13. Protein fibers that form a dense network of strong rope-like cables that secure and hold the gingival connective tissues together.
  11. 16. Innervation of the teeth and PDL of the maxillary arch is from what nerves?
  12. 17. The functional system of tissues that surrounds the teeth and attaches them to the bone
  13. 19. Function of the PDL in which in provides feeling to the tooth.
  14. 20. The ends of the periodontal ligament fibers that are embedded in the cementum and alveolar bone.
  15. 21. Two of these make up the interdental gingiva and are formed by the free gingiva and attached gingiva.
  16. 22. A thin basal lamina between the junctional epithelium and the tooth surface.
  17. 26. Where does CN V2 exit from the skull through?
  18. 28. Small bean-shaped structure located on either side of the head neck armpits and groin which filter out and trap bacteria fungi,viruses and other unwanted substances to safely eliminate them from the body.
  19. 31. A network of rope-like collagen fibers in the gingival connective tissue. They are located coronal to the crest of the alveolar bone and embedded in the extracellular matrix of the gingival connective tissue.
  20. 32. The smallest structural unit of living matter capable of functioning independently.
  21. 33. The unattached portion of the gingiva that surrounds the tooth in the region of the CEJ and is also known as Unattached gingiva or Marginal Gingiva
  22. 35. The third branch of the trigeminal nerve.
  23. 37. The tissue that makes up the outer surface of the body and lines the body cavities.
  24. 39. The apical boundary or lower edge of the gingiva it can be distinguished easily from the gingiva by its dark red color and smooth shiny surface
  25. 40. Epithelial cells that have nuclei and act as a cushion against mechanical stress and wear.
  26. 41. A network of lymph nodes connected by lymphatic vessels that plays in an important role in the body's defense against infection.
  27. 42. Function of the PDL in that it provides nutrients to cementum and bone.
  28. 43. The coronal-most portion of the alveolar process.
  29. 46. Alveolar Nerve, Innervation of the teeth and PDL of the mandibular arch is from what nerve?
  30. 47. The first branch of the trigeminal nerve.
  31. 50. The thin layer of bone that lines the socket that surrounds the root of the tooth.
  32. 53. The bony socket or a cavity in the alveolar bone that houses the root of a tooth
  33. 56. The V-shaped, shallow space around the neck of the tooth between the free gingiva and the tooth surface.
  34. 57. A branch of anatomy concerned with the study of the microscopic features of tissues.
  35. 60. bone, A layer of compact bone that forms the hard outer wall or the mandible and maxilla on the facial and lingual aspects.
  36. 62. A thin basal lamina between the junctional epithelium and the gingival connective tissue
  37. 63. Epithelial cells with no nuclei and form a tough, resistant layer on the surface of the skin.
  38. 66. A specialized stratified squamous epithelium that functions well in the wet environment of the oral cavity