period 4 Black & Morales

  1. 3. used to help prevent problems with the body.
  2. 4. mentally need the drug to function.
  3. 8. speeds us the CNS.
  4. 9. medicines that work together in a positive way.
  5. 10. used to relive pain
  6. 12. improper use of chemical substance for non medical use.
  7. 14. GHB is a ______ that is used to sedate victems
  8. 15. anxiety and sleeplessness.
  9. 17. such a high tolerance to the drug that you physically and mentally think you will die with out it.
  10. 18. need more to get the same effect.
  11. 19. substances that are similar to testosterone.
  1. 1. changes the function of the CNS.
  2. 2. two condition of an _________ is ADHD and obesity.
  3. 4. you physically need the drug to function.
  4. 5. the effect of one medicine reducing another medicine when taken together.
  5. 6. to simulate the immune response.
  6. 7. two or more medicines that have a greater affect.
  7. 11. used to treat diabetes.
  8. 13. a substance that changes to function of body and mind.
  9. 16. Rohyphint, GHB, and Alchol are all __________.