Period Poverty

  1. 2. This happens when you are on Period (5 letters)
  2. 4. This makes your period irregular (4 letters)
  3. 7. A common period product (7 letters)
  4. 9. Stigma around menstruation can be described as this (4 letters)
  5. 13. Educational topic that should include menstruation (6 letters)
  6. 14. A feeling of tiredness associated with menstruation (7 letters)
  7. 17. This secrete reproductive hormones. (7 letters)
  8. 18. Something many can't afford during menstruation (5 letters)
  9. 19. Reusable menstrual product (3 letters)
  10. 21. A basic human right related to clean water and sanitation (7 letters)
  11. 22. An organization that might offer free menstrual products (4 letters)
  12. 23. A common symptom of menstruation (5 letters)
  1. 1. Reusable pad brand (4 letters)
  2. 3. This is a ........... version progesterone hormone (9 letters)
  3. 4. A synthetic material often used in disposable pads (7 letters)
  4. 5. One who might be affected by period poverty (5 letters)
  5. 6. A sustainable alternative to pads and tampons (5 letters)
  6. 8. Condition of having no access to menstrual products (7 letters)
  7. 10. This social system can aggravate period stigma (7 letters)
  8. 11. The lining of this sheds during periods (6 letters)
  9. 12. Access to these products is a necessity for menstrual hygiene (6 letters)
  10. 15. Lack of this can lead to period poverty (7 letters)
  11. 16. Hormone that regulates the menstrual cycle (9 letters)
  12. 17. This happens halfway through your cycle (9 letters)
  13. 20. Essential for changing menstrual products (7 letters)