periodic table

  1. 2. pnictogens
  2. 3. distance from crest to crest
  3. 5. transition metals
  4. 8. number of waves to pass a give point per unit
  5. 9. alkali metals
  6. 10. height of wave from origin
  7. 13. medium conductivity + properties from both
  8. 15. alkaline earth metals
  9. 17. visible light and color
  10. 18. one quantum of energy
  11. 19. column
  1. 1. highest point in a wave
  2. 2. noble gases
  3. 4. halogens
  4. 6. high conductivity, shiny, malleable
  5. 7. chalcogens
  6. 11. row
  7. 12. pulled from inside periodic table
  8. 14. distance from the nucleus
  9. 16. poor conductivity, dull, brittle