Periodic Table

  1. 1. two or more substances that are mixed together
  2. 3. system of electrons surrounding the nucleus of atom
  3. 5. can form compounds with different oxidation states
  4. 8. group of rare gases that include helium,neon etc.
  5. 10. horizontal rows in the periodic table
  6. 11. 6 chemical elements that make up Group 1
  7. 13. amount of electricity that is held or carried
  8. 14. positively charged center of an atom
  9. 15. forms a salt when it reacts with metal
  10. 18. negatively charged subatomic particle
  11. 21. elements that correspond to group 2
  12. 23. measure of its atomic mass
  13. 24. atoms have different numbers of electrons and protons
  14. 25. chemical element that lacks metals
  15. 28. subatomic particle found in the nucleus of atoms except hydrogen
  16. 29. organizes all chemical elements in rows and columns
  17. 31. certain allowed energy states for an electron
  1. 2. magnitude of electric charge with single electron
  2. 3. distance of electrons from the nucleus of atom
  3. 4. a particle of matter
  4. 6. emitting radiation spontaneously
  5. 7. similar properties in elements in similar positions
  6. 9. number of electrons in the outer shell shared with another atom
  7. 12. a basic part of a whole
  8. 16. number of chemical element
  9. 17. atom that has enough binding energy to hold nucleus together
  10. 19. element that's not metal but has properties
  11. 20. subatomic particle found in the nucleus of atoms
  12. 22. a substance made from two or more different elements chemically joined
  13. 26. atoms with the same number of protons but different neutrons
  14. 27. column in the periodic table
  15. 30. element that readily forms positive ions and has metallic bonds