Periodic Table

  1. 5. my chemical symbol is AU
  2. 6. has the highest melting point for all metals
  3. 10. Alchemists always thought they'd be able to turn this element into gold
  4. 11. Found in potatoes and bananas, alkali metal group
  5. 15. 10 is the chemical number, it's also a spectrum of color
  6. 17. put in hair and nail vitamins
  7. 19. ______(metal) man!
  8. 20. has a chemical reaction with oxygen that makes it turn greenish
  9. 21. the metal that is most recycled in the world.
  10. 24. present in selenite, a mineral that can be scratched by fingernails.
  1. 1. a transition metal that shares its name with the 5 cent coin
  2. 2. also the name of a certain shade of blue, Co.
  3. 3. we breathe this, ideally
  4. 4. a poison, As
  5. 7. hard to find used in nuclear bombs
  6. 8. chemical symbol Sn
  7. 9. atomic number is 78, Pt.
  8. 12. atomic number is 22, known as the metal that deflects bullets
  9. 13. atomic number is 80, the only metal liquid at room temperature
  10. 14. this element makes your voice high pitched when inhaled, is also used to make balloons float
  11. 16. chemical number 52
  12. 18. used in pools to keep the water cleaner longer
  13. 22. a semi precious metal that needs to be polished regularly or it tarnishes
  14. 23. Has 88 protons, in the alkaline earth section