Periodic Table

  1. 1. center of an atom
  2. 5. horizontal numbers on the top
  3. 6. Vertical numbers on the side
  4. 11. The 19th Family
  5. 13. The end result
  6. 14. Atomic number of 38
  7. 16. The base unit of an element
  8. 18. Is a substance on the periodic table
  1. 1. My electrical charge is 0
  2. 2. Atomic number of 6
  3. 3. The number of Protons
  4. 4. Atomic number of 14
  5. 6. My electrical charge is 1
  6. 7. My electrical charge is -1
  7. 8. Atomic number of 5
  8. 9. Protons are equal, but neutrons are unequal
  9. 10. The weight of an atom
  10. 12. Atomic number is 18
  11. 15. My one rule is it must be 8
  12. 17. When something is reactive