Periodic Table

  1. 3. A pure substance that cannot be separated into simpler substances
  2. 8. 1 on the periodic table
  3. 9. The rarest element
  4. 10. Fe
  5. 11. One or two letter code used to identify the elements
  6. 13. The name given to the horizontal rows on the periodic table
  1. 1. The basic building blocks of neutrons and electrons
  2. 2. Au
  3. 4. First artificial element made by man
  4. 5. Helium, Radon,and Argon
  5. 6. decreases as you go from left to right across a period
  6. 7. Most of the elements in the periodic table are
  7. 12. The vertical columns on the periodic table are called
  8. 14. the gas we breathe