Periodic Table

  1. 3. shell The__ orbitals in the outermost shell of the atom.
  2. 7. what makes the periodic tble really invaluble is ___
  3. 8. The seven horizontal ros are called__
  4. 9. have similar valence__ configurations.
  5. 11. Each element has a unique atomic number-thats the number of__
  6. 14. below the symbol is the full name of the elent and it__
  7. 17. Nonmetal are generally NOT__
  8. 18. You can predict a lot about chemical ___
  1. 1. Except for___ which are on the upper left
  2. 2. Each row corresponds to a different__
  3. 4. the elements in a group have similar chemical__
  4. 5. Nonmetals are also not good___ of heat or electricty
  5. 6. A vertical column of elements is called a__ or family
  6. 8. The__ is the most powerful tool chemist use.
  7. 10. ___ are found on the upper right of the periodic table
  8. 12. Each element is represented by one___
  9. 13. On a square above the chemical symbol is the__
  10. 15. the elements that are found on either side are often called__
  11. 16. On the peridoc table you can find out the___ of the chemical